Outsource marketing








Reasons why

We manage to very effectively substitute the combination between the insight of a Marketing Manager and the services of an advertising agency, but at a much lower cost.

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Usually companies are trying to fix everything by themselves. Hiring maketing personnel may seem wiser for control and conectivity reasons. But then marketing staff requests contracting an advertising agency and at the end of the day you have to pay a lot of things: salaries, corespondent taxes to the state, annual leave, etc, but also agency hours, including creative hours, client service, dtp and so on, the bigger the agency the higher the bill.
Outsourcing marketing you pay by project and only for the essence of the work needed to bring you results.
We are a small focused team, collaborating with freelancers or other service providers upon request, thus we keep our operational costs at minimum level.
We manage to very efectively substitute the combination between the insight of a Marketing Manager and the services of an advertising agency, but at a much lower cost.
This cost efficiency allows you to relocate the funds to other developments, like product portfolio, sales team or better services for your clients. We understand your need to grow and we help you focus on the essence of your company growth.
Our involvement is high because we take it personally, your good results will add expertise and fame to our business card.

Your success is our success!

Fresh Insight

An outsourced marketing team brings to the table the expertise gained in multiple domains, but we can also bring a fresh point of view, being able to easier fill in the customer shoes. The company’s employees know very well their business and the target market, but sometimes they have the tendency to “speak” too technically to clients, having the mindset of the entire detailed process of product birth.

You don’t have to worry that an externalized marketing team would not understand what it takes. We start with a very elaborate analysis of your business, your target market and we advice you the best tailored solutions.
We emphatize with your efforts to grow and adjoin our expertise and tools to bring your business to a higher level, while learning as well from this venture.

Respecting you is our development.

Higher Expertise

Our experience is build in more than 20 years in local or multinational companies, acting in various markets and fields. Having such diverse exposure trained us to be flexible, agile and open minded. We understand each business has its own context, strengths and weaknesses and we can identify and extract the right directions for growth, after a thorough analysis and diagnose.

The challenges we’ve been exposed working with various companies in very diverse market environments have been driving us to learn more to cover most various actions, from ATL advertising to BTL, direct mail, loyalty programs, B2B marketing, internal marketing, events, PR, guerrilla marketing, but also online developments like building websites, mobile apps, b2b platforms, e-commerce, search optimization, social media, e-mail marketing, content marketing and other digital services.

Our learnings for your growth.

Less Time Consuming

Every entrepreneur, when launching his business, has his own marketing strategy in mind. Every entrepreneur is a multitasking person in the beginning, filling lots of shoes: business planner, accountant, sales manager, HR manager, etc. While the business is growing he gets to delegate more and more, but also the tasks are becoming more and more numerous, more elaborated, more time consuming. You will be busy to hire a lot of people in different departments, to expand your market (we can help with that too), to reach more clients or to fulfill the legal regulations.

Outsourcing marketing you discharge the marketing responsibilities to us so you can focus on the core business. This process is much faster compared with the recruitment and training process for a marketing department.

We come prepared with a customized set of questions that you just have to answer to help us understand your business, then we do the research finding the key aspects about your company, your products or services, about the market and close environment so you can design the best tailored solution for you.

We help you to buy time! Time to focus on your core business.

No Personnel Fluctuation

Outsourcing marketing you do not need to face the situation of staff fluctuation. When you try to build a marketing department you spend time and money on recruitment, followed by trainings and taxes, with no warranty that the persons you hire won’t leave for other opportunities.

Thus nobody will refund the resources you spent / waste.

With us you are covered by contractual terms, but also you may want to develop a long-time partnership as we gradually achieve together your growth objectives and plans.

Long-time relationships are built on trust, common goals and good results.

Latest Technology

The company employees usually get too much caught in the story, fall into the trap of routine and their perspective is limited to what’s going on with the products and the close market for the respective moment.

You need the kind of help that is in line with the latest technologies.

We are living the fastest times when the speed of the tech developments is higher and higher and it won’t slow down, au contraire! Along with technology development the consumers habits will drastically shift as well. You have to be prepared to cover all the paths to your clients, to surprise them with positive twists to your communications.

We are proud to be passionate about digitalization and future trends and for sure we’ll provide you the most modern solutions for your needs.

We can build strong strategies with a tech twist.

Efficient Use of Resources

As a growing company your resources may be limited. Outsourcing marketing may help you to direct a part of your resources to effectively promote your business instead of allocating that respective budget to build an expensive marketing department.

We give a better use to your budget.

Our Services

Building the marketing strategy is a complex process, starting with analyzing the environment, market particularities, identifying company’s strengths and weaknesses, but also the opportunities and threats that your company may face.

We’ll discuss together with you the growing objectives and according to the available resources we come up with the best suited marketing strategy for the most efficient use of your resources. Thus you maximize the effects on your spendings.
We provide a comprehensive plan including:

– Environment analysis
– Market insights
– Competition review
– SWOT Analysis
– Objectives
– Strategies
– Actions
– Planning and timeline
– Budget split per activities

Success is 20% skills and 80% strategy. More satisfied customers means better business.

Digital is the new black?
The future is here, going digital is proofing to be not just a fashionable moment and not only for fashionable people.
The speed of the development and the disruption by technology is higher than never and will be even higher and faster. The technology has infiltrated in our lives even in the smallest details and is shifting the consumption behaviors so each organization has not only to cope and adjust with these changes, but also to use them and profit upon them by integrating technology to gain more satisfied, fast served and loyalized clients.

On the other hand, one of the most appreciated advantages of technology is that is making things easier and faster achievable for us. So we need to get extra time to absorb and process the amount of increasing information dispatched to us.
We cannot talk only about the four P’s of classical marketing now. The fifth one could be the Power of Buying Time and technology is the one that you have to exploit in order to give your clients this Power.

Our passion for what future has to offer and for digital development is what differentiate us. We can develop for you B2B platforms, (B2C) online shops or combined, the customized digital platform that can speed the connectivity with your clients, that could further reflect in your business processes and increase the speed of serving your clients. And not only that! You offer your clients the field for interraction and better communication, but also provides you the traceability and control of information.

We help you to offer your clients the Power of Buying Time!

The success of a start up is very much pending on the chosen name and the figurative representation of it. The business identity, pretty much like a person identity, is pending on elements that could speed up the path to success or could slow down the growing up process.

A brand is not just about identity, sound, shape, graphic representation / logo, colors, product or interaction. A brand is about feelings and feelings could be complicated. A successful brand will always be emotionally connected. A brand could mean different things to different people, either they are customers – actual or potential, owners, employees or recruits.
But why should you build a brand, what a brand could impact? Either it’s the ROI, long term increase for your business, a more engaged workplace or your clients loyalty, growing a brand must have that not only the market is dictating (you need to differentiate against competition), but it’s also a recognition and satisfaction of your hard work.

Together we’ll navigate through the process of defining your brand, either the case of a start up or another brand that needs a boost of

1. The Brand Promise
2. The Brand Perceptions
3. The Brand Expectations
4. The Brand Persona
5. The Brand Elements

We are aware, when working on a brand architecture, that the respective architecture always must accommodate for growth and change, so the brand can grow, expand, react and shift with the times.

Let’s build a brand capable of long-term loyalty relation with your customers!

We are on the verge of the 4th Industrial Revolution, meaning that everything that could be connected will be connected. The tech progress requires time from us (to deal with the increasing information), but also provides time to us (shortcutting our efforts to get things).

The commerce is shifting to online. Traditional trade goes along now with the e-commerce, still helping each other. The statistics show high development of e-tail, but also the companies discover the many advantages and time efficiency of b2b platforms.

Currently the e-commerce size in Romania is 2,8 bn euro (+40% versus
2017) and the number of online shops is expected to double in only one year to 14-15,000*. Wouldn’t you like to take advantage of this online conquest?

We are so passionate about this that we even have our own projects of e-commerce. Check www.joacadeweekend.ro and www.mansardacopiiilor.ro, developed entirely on house.

Either your business needs to reach a higher number of customer through an online shop, or you need to better serve your current and future corporate customers via a B2B platform or customer portal, we can provide for you both B2C or B2B digital solutions.

We are passionate for developing B2C or B2B digital solutions!

Not so long ago, even seems like ages, the advertising was classic and
clear: TV, radio, print, some drop mail, coupons and very timid word of mouth. But! The Internet came and gave the consumer a voice. The word of mouth got unbound amplifiers. Social platforms encourage people to express themselves, not only through own creativity, but also by raising opinions about products and services. Suddenly companies and products became more exposed, hence more responsible and more thoughtful to community.

Thus, brands are developing social interaction. It’s no longer just one-way communication, it’s a dialog. What tone do you set for that dialog? What kind of a person is your brand in chatting with its customers? Is it funny, serious, caring, friendly, imposing or flexible?

Do you speak your target social language? How many of them you convert into followers? Sow many unique individuals you have to convince by speaking to all at once.

Do you have the content for the many platforms that you need to get followers from? Video, images, texts, catchy expressions, the right call-to-action, so much more compared with the old slogan and tagline.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on, a lot of particularities to handle.

Let us help you manage all the above.

More power to consumers! Let’s train that power!

The effectiveness of a sales force is usually augmented by promotions designed to speed up the sales process, or to increase orders value or volume, or to encourage recurrent sales.

Bonus packs, free samples, promo packs or special packs, money back, competitions and contest, loyalty programs, etc., we can identify the most efficient ones for your business, so you raise the sales volume with minimal impact on your margin.

Let’s give your sales an increasing spin!

Did you know that currently there are approx. 5000 tech marketing tools that you can use for online marketing? Well, we are not going to pretend we know all of them.

The Internet has become the main source for information when somebody searches for a product or service. But the same internet is so full of options. How can you make sure the respective target person that might need your product could find you fast and easy, while you feel like the needle in the haystack?

We start with your objective and stage of your online presence:

– Awareness
– Consideration
– Conversion
– Loyalty

We identify the right channels for you, so we maximize reach:

– Google AdWords
– Facebook Ads, Page Likes, Promoted Ads
– YouTube Ads
– Instagram Ads
– Email Marketing
– PR Online, etc.

We monitor and optimize the most appropriate KPI’s for your online presence, so you can reach as many viewers as possible with your budget.

Let’s make your business visible online!

Either your clients are all or part of them corporate, smaller or larger companies, we design specific approach for them. We first identify the main categories then select specific actions for each segment. We can develop customer portals (B2B platforms), differentiated newsletters program, sales promotion tools, dedicated events and communication, loyalty programs, awards or training programs, so the best suited solution for your business particularities so you can build a close long-term relationship with your customers.

Keep your customers close in a long-time synergy!

If digital is ascending in companies marketing budgets, it doesn’t mean traditional advertising should be dead though. With so many marketers focused lately on creating the ideal digital journey for their customers, in a flooded virtual space, businesses tend to forget that customers are looking for offline touch points, too.

On a crowded market, with plenty marketing tools, companies have difficulties in choosing the most efficient ones. You may consider either traditional or digital, or to both combined to maximize reach.

We can advise you to choose the right mix of advertising actions, both digital and traditional. Building an efficient marketing campaign sometimes involves finding creative ways to digitally track traditional advertising. For the traditional approach we could plan for you campaigns on TV, radio, print, outdoor, etc., according to your budget, market coverage and specific target.

We are not a media buying agency, but we can facilitate the media acquisition and look for the best media planning and coverage.

Traditional advertising can help boost your brand’s visibility!

Events are a good opportunity for networking, lead generation, but also a good occasion to educate your prospects about your products and get their engagement and upsell.

Events can generate a significant buzz around your brand and allow your customers to interract with your product directly, beyond screens.

Either you organize your own event or you just sponsoring a public event, the advantages of networking and close targeting are there.

Customers love brands that care about spreading positive messages and helping the community. Linking your business to a worthy cause can draw lasting support and media attention.

Each type of event requires specific preparation, smart messages and clever triggers to capture the audience attention. The more interesting and impressionable is your representation at that event, the more memorable you become, hence a higher number of leads – leads to convert in sales later on.

But, a succesfull event brings maximized results only by doing a proper follow up, not only to convert into sales, but also to loyalize the prospects you impressed at the event.

As a thorough plan, preparation and follow up for an event require a lot of time and attention, we can handle the entire process for you. Let’s make the marketing strategy smarter by integrating smart events.

Outshine your competition with events that loyalize customers!

There are many reasons companies should do PR, even from the early stage of a company existence. PR will help grow that kind of business that creates long-term success.

Through PR you raise awareness, build credibility and authority, furthermore generate business leads. You also attract talent for recruitment and better people generate better business. You may retain your existing staff, but also you attract investors.

Your reputation is build by PR, but also manage the unwanted dreadful situations and repair the damage through a press release or other means.

PR has a stronger voice, as it provides you the space to promote brand values and message clarity. It helps shape a likable image and strengthen community relations.

To achieve that it is of a great importance to have a consistent, durable and well-tailored PR strategy even from the first steps as a mature company.

Leveraging on synergies between earned, owned and paid media, you can achieve greater impact at a lower cost.
Our services cover PR strategy, press releases and media coverage, interviews management, media monitoring and results measuring.

Grace your business with a strong personality shaped up by smart PR!

Let’s discuss your needs!

Get in Touch

About Us

We are a large enough team so we efficiently operate and, at the same time, small enough not to lose the enthusiasm through heavy procedures and long informational flows.
We grew in corporations and learned the lesson about the responsibility and customers satisfaction (who are people, not consuming machines), but we also timely realized that the passion is what really moves things ahead though and when you put your heart in what you do, your message will reach your dialog recipient.
We gathered around us a close team of freelancers and various service providers, so we could fulfill projects in a time efficient and optimized cost manner.

Florina Necula – Managing Partner

More than 20 years of corporate experience in Marketing Management positions within companies like Colgate-Palmolive, Royal Brinkers, Agricola Bacau, Atlas Corporation or Arabesque, added to marketing educational background.
Great strategic thinking, realistic, emphatic, analytical and driven by results.

Our projects


    Email: office@lusioconsulting.ro

    Tel: 0744.656.967

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